Rectangular blocks stacked like a gantt chart

To find any RFP, please copy the solicitation title, click the title link, and paste the solicitation title into the Search field located at the middle of the eProcurement/Solicitation webpage. 

The King County Council approved the Program Plan for Harborview Bond Program that includes four bond goals:

The Bond Program publishes regular dashboards to share the progress of the Bond Program work:

The Harborview Bond Program is a special project within King County’s Facilities Management Division that provided the following written reports to the King County Council on the status of the Program:



The Executive provided the following bi-annual written report to the King County Council on the status of the Harborview Bond Program:

Reports were concluded. Reporting now includes the Bond Program Status Dashboard and FMD Report.

The Implementation Advisory Committee (IAC), the City of Seattle’s Standing Advisory (neighborhood) Committee, endorsed a letter to the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections supporting the bond goals:

To learn more about the IAC, visit the Harborview Medical Center Institution Advisory Committee webpage.

June 23, 2023 – Agenda

June 16, 2023 – Agenda

June 9, 2023 – Agenda

May 19, 2023 – Agenda

May 5, 2023 – Agenda

April 18, 2023 – Agenda

April 13, 2023 – Agenda

March 29, 2023 – Agenda

For additional reports, search for Harborview Bond Program” on King County’s Legistar.

For agendas and reports for the Implementation Advisory Committee, visit the City of Seattle Major Institutions Advisory Committees web page.