An early drafted rendering of Harborview's new medical tower

Harborview Bond RFQ

Building the heart of the Harborview campus

King County Procurement and Payables released the highly-anticipated Harborview Bond Program new tower request for qualifications (RFQ) in early September 2024. The shortlisted firms will receive the request for proposal in January 2025.

Large/prime firms interested in bidding can stay connected through one of the following opportunities:

  1. View the RFQ:
  2. Attend the proposal and Bond outreach events on September 11 and 12, 2024. Proposers attend in person. Other interested parties may attend in person or online.
  3. Subscribe to the Bond newsletter at
  4. Register your company with King County Procurement at KingCounty.Gov/Procurement/Registration to stay updated on the Bond RFQ and RFP, and at-wide County projects

Small firms are encouraged to connect with large firms at and beyond Bond outreach events. Subscribe to the Bond newsletter at to learn about Bond outreach events.

RFQ Questions:
Contact Stefanie at and cc Regina at

General Questions about the Harborview Bond Program:

Self-guided tours of publicly accessible exterior spaces of the Harborview Medical Campus are available to all interested parties. View map now.

In-person site tours are limited to proposing teams to ensure hospital operations remain unimpacted.

Note: Please park outside of Harborview Medical Center (HMC) parking garages. HMC parking is extremely limited, and various parking garages and transportation alternatives are available in the neighborhood, including:

Goat Hill Parking Garage
415 6th Ave.
Seattle, WA 98104

Public Transit Schedule:
View public transit schedule (Routes 3 and 4 frequently-run between Goat Hill and HMC), or visit

Remember to allow for extra travel time.

Companies should reply according to directions from King County Procurement in the procurement documents at and here. Search for “Harborview”. Then search for “KC001222” and select the details icon for submission date details.

Screenshot of "Details" icon to access solicitation details

RFQ bids should be submitted through E-Procurement’s project portal located at

A Pre-SOQ Conference will be held September 11 and 12, 2024, at Harborview Medical Center’s Research and Training Building.

Proposers seeking to fulfill the mandatory attendance, must register in person at the meeting before the program begins. Online attendees will have an opportunity to register.

Photo of King County's Bond Director Leslie Harper-Miles and Capital Projects Manager Ed Rockwell, and Andersen Construction team member
Photo of construction worker and mid-renovation of Norm Maleng Building
Photo of message delivery system in Ninth and Jefferson Building renovated floor
Photo of